Saturday, August 11, 2007

Died Food Gift Haci Bekir Turkish Delight Rose Flavour 500 g

Died Food Gift Haci Bekir Turkish Delight Rose Flavour 500 g

Died Food Gift Haci Bekir Turkish Delight Rose Flavour 500 g.The story of the birth of Turkish Delight, begins in the late 1700s, when Ali Muhiddin Haci Bekir, a confectioner to the imperial court in Istanbul, tried to create a soft candy for the sultan. The sultan complained that the hard candy would crack his teeth. The confectioner mixed water, sugar corn starch, cream of tartar, and rosewater. He cooked it up, poured the mixture into a flat pan coated in almond oil, and let it cool. He then sprinkled it with powdered sugar, and cut it into bite size pieces. The sultan was pleased, and Turkish Delight was born.


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